Month: June 2015

Weekly Illumination – June 28th, 2015


Sunday – Queen of Wands

This day is dedicated to true Aries women who are not afraid to be the fearless warrior Queens that they know they are. If you come across any on this day make sure you pay them homage and make their life easier by not getting in their way. There is a lot of passion to be shared today and you may be on the receiving end of a lot of positive publicity. Bask in this popularity as it is okay to feel like a celebrity even if you don’t consider yourself one.

Monday – Five of Pentacles

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On this day you will be able to gain a nice perspective of what you want from a place of struggle even if you aren’t struggling. It is this mindset that allows you to make better ideas instead of coming from a complacent mind state. So any setbacks you face are temporary in an effort to have you remember what the perks of struggle. You can also love how your insecurities about not having much are put to rest when certain people still love you for who you are.

Tuesday – Three of Wands

three of wands

You will more so now than ever be able to make realistic and exciting action on long term plans and set things in motion that will almost certainly promise growth in your life and other people’s lives. You are now able to see past the horizon for a brighter future. Know that the hopes you have will definitely be fulfilled which should inspire you with all sorts of happiness.

Wednesday – The Magician


Your will power and intention are going to make all the difference on this day. As such be very mindful of your thoughts and feelings as you can create great magic just being yourself and being attentive of what you want to manifest in your life. Once again…your positive powerful intent will literally create the life you want to live in the moment so take advantage of this magical energy. This is a very mental energy so you can expect riveting conversations that help inspire more magical energy.

Thursday – Page of Cups

page of cups

Looks like on this day you may be on the receiving end of some very romantic gestures. If this tickles your heart then let it do so. Don’t be afraid if you catch serious feelings for someone too and you aren’t sure why. You will gain insight on that later. For now just enjoy the feeling of being in love. It doesn’t have to be logical since nothing about it will be logical at all. This love can be a love for life as well.

Friday – Knight of Cups

knight of cups

You will definitely be feeling romantic on this day and great news will bless you which will make you feel like all your spiritual seeking can be finally put to rest. Your development of your artistic talent will definitely pay off in great ways as well so make sure to share your gifts with as many willing to positively receive them. This is a great day for romance as well so work your seductive charm knowing that it will work in all the greatest ways.

Saturday – Four of Wands

       four of wands

This is a great day to end off the week. Today will remind you why life is meant to be constantly celebrated. You don’t have to worry about these just being mere moments of positivity. This will mark a new lifestyle of happiness so get used to it 😉

Weekly Summary

Put simply this week is rather magical and the emotional risks you take will definitely pay off very well. You shouldn’t be afraid to share your heart with someone you feel great around. The magic that generates from your positive intention will be more powerful than you expect it to be but will definitely help manifest things you always dreamed of much sooner than you thought you would.

If you would like to schedule a reading, you can contact me at: OR

Song of the Week —-> E.O.T.Wpeace

Brought to you by -The Peace Dealer-

Weekly Illumination – June 21st, 2015


Sunday – Five of Pentacles
5 of pents

Today will remind you who your real friends are as you will be provided all the right support you need at the right time. Although at first you may get caught up in your shortcomings do not let what you don’t have make you forget that you are blessed just for being alive. See through the veil of the negativity and claim your intrinsic value.

Monday – Eight of Cups

 8 of cups

You will be leaving certain emotional hopes and dreams that you had wanted to achieve. Now just is not the time but don’t worry you will return back to these ambitions when the time is right. For now release old emotional wounds and feelings that no longer serve you. Some of you may also be traveling and know that you will not be returning to where you leave from.

Tuesday – Five of Pentacles

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Take stock of the ideas you have made to increase your financial well being during times of financial struggle. You will revisit those ideas and start to put them into action. On the surface it may seem like you don’t have much but you have a mind of gold that can get you anything you want. That is what today is here to teach you. Things are not nearly what they say.

Wednesday – The Fool

the fool

There will be a wave of fresh energy that hits you square in the solar plexus chakra which will make you giggly all day. This definitely signals more newness gracing your life however the vibe I get from this card is the Uranian influence wanting you to just be your unique and eccentric self. Don’t be afraid to be too crazy. If you are like me then this won’t be hard as you are already crazy but for others know that trusting in your own uniqueness will open all the right doors for you.

Thursday – Knight of Pentacles

knight of pentacles

Your attention to detail on this day will prove to be very useful. This card indicates that a persistent approach to your work will yield great results. In fact this is a great card for indicating that you can finally reach a stable level in your finances in a way that helps you build on your material reality without worrying about it anymore. Know that it is your hard work that got you here. Pat yourself on the back mate.

Friday – Five of Pentacles

5 of pents 5

You will achieve victory over any negative thoughts on your worth. The reason why this theme is brought up more frequently than usual is because you are making a permanent shift in the way you value yourself which is making you really look at how you treat yourself. You will find yourself being treated differently in a good way but make sure you also don’t accept any disrespect especially from those who don’t know you.

Saturday – Two of Pentacles

two of pentacles

The productivity you generate for yourself on this day will definitely pay off and be worth every minute you spent keeping busy. Do you best not to let emotions get in the way of the work you have to do. If you find yourself idle just find some more work to do. You will thank for yourself. You would also do well to follow your hunches on any financial investments you feel like making. Playing with your money can lead to even more that you generate.

Weekly Summary

The name of the game this week is humility. You definitely do not want to get preoccupied with your shortcomings and imperfections but instead see how all these events are shaping you as an individual. There is a lot that you will be putting in motion that you won’t realize until the next new moon so until then just stay focused!

If you would like to schedule a reading, you can contact me at: OR

Song of the Week —-> Peacepeace

Brought to you by -The Peace Dealer-

Monthly Tribe Report – Cancer Season

Here are the respective tribe reports for this Cancer season. Please be sure to also watch the report for your rising sign as well:

Fire Tribe (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)

Water Tribe (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)

Earth Tribe (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn)

Air Tribe (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius)


If you would like to schedule a reading, you can contact me at: OR
Song of the Season – Right There


Brought to you by -The Peace Dealer-

Weekly Illumination – June 14th, 2015


Sunday – Page of Wands
page of wands

This week will kick off in a very exciting way. Positive news that you receive will make you smile for all the right reasons. Some of you may be tapping into another part of your exciting new identity which fuels you with much passion and excitement.

Monday – Five of Swords

 5 of swords

Any arguments that break out today have less to do with you and more to do with the collective frustration in the air. You may just be on the receiving end of someone’s problems and you are just there for them to project their anger upon. Do not let them do this but don’t take any lashes out against you to be personal. You yourself may be the one that is arguing with everyone and if so express what you need to but don’t be so quick to burn any bridges.

Tuesday – The Fool

the fool 2

A brand new phase of your life will begin. As if the Universe just hit the reset button on your life. Something like this can cause a lot of chaos for many but instead it will feel like you are more free than you have been in a while. Trust in the magic of new beginning and say yes to any opportunities to do anything new.

Wednesday – Ten of Pentacles

10 of pentacles

This card believe it or not indicates you receiving more money than you ever expected to receive. For some of you who are used to wealth this won’t be unexpected but still nice to know that there is more wealth for you to have for you and you alone. I say you and you alone because you have to define what all this money really means to you….even if money is meaningless to you the legacy that you will leave behind with all this wealth will define generations to come. Even if you don’t necessarily get any money today you will clearly see how what you do today will secure all that wealth. Not riches….long lasting wealth.

Thursday – Eight of Swords


This card indicates that you may fall into the trap of over thinking things so much so that you cloud your reality of events. This will be due to the oversaturation of information that you receive. Instead of letting all this information make you think negatively, change your negative thoughts into positive ones and literally watch the situation change with your perspective.

Friday – Queen of Swords


This day is dedicated to the Libra women who do what they can to really establish order in the world while the Libra males incite chaos secretly behind the scenes. Make sure to honor any Libra women you come across. I have pulled this card a few Fridays ago so know that those themes will return. Make sure you stay mindful of any independent projects you have and put logic over emotion when making important decisions.

Saturday – Two of Cups


The love in your heart will be reciprocated by someone who loves you even deeper. More deep than you can ever imagine. You may be so caught up in your imperfections that it will take the action of love on part of your partner to awaken you to the reality of love and how it can restore any broken heart…even yours…

Weekly Summary

This week kicks off with an exciting message that will set your mind and heart right for the rest of the week. You can experience an influx of supernatural energy that does a bit of everything for you but most importantly establishes an important partnership that is based off friendship and love.

If you would like to schedule a reading, you can contact me at: OR

Song of the Week —-> Kingdompeace

Brought to you by -The Peace Dealer-

Weekly Illumination – June 7th, 2015


Sunday – The Sun

This card is such a great omen and the energy you experience today will not only set off the tone for the rest of the week but will provide the proper conscious illumination for the rest of the month! There will be much darkness in your life that will be rid of your life forever and it can feel so weird to be bathed in light but worry not as these are great vibes you will definitely enjoy getting used to.

Monday – Two of Wands

 two of wands

This day will open your eyes to the true potential you hold in your hands. The choices presented to you will allow you to make the proper plans as you take this passion and see far with it. This is also a great day to see eye to eye with someone who is just as passionate about your ideas as you are.

Tuesday – The Sun

sun 2

Pulling this card twice in a week can only mean one thing. You are going through immense positive life change. For some of you who have only known disappointment this may not be easy to go through. Do all you can to soak in these radiant vibes and watch as you see your life change for the better. Forces outside your control will be conspiring for your happiness and all you have to do is not get in the way of that.

Wednesday – Three of Pentacles

3 of pents

Today you will assemble the fated wonder team. There is a great work that is to be done and at just the right moment your teammates will be revealed. Regardless of whatever feelings you have for them whether love or hatred these are people you have to put your differences aside in order to work together for a higher cause. You will quickly find that your mutual commitment to accomplishing this project is what was meant to develop your connection and not superficial desires.

Thursday – Five of Pentacles

5 of pents 2

You may find yourself feeling really insecure on this day. All you have to do is remember your worth and if you forgot then let me remind you. You are eternally worthy. Other than that this card signals the union of an important karmic partner that you have which even time and space cannot stop you from connecting with. This is one of the ancient love cards of the tarot and on this day you will see why…

Friday – Four of Wands

four of wands 2

 You will feel very festive vibes on this day. You may even be the one who is being celebrated. Either way soak in all this positivity as this will mark a homecoming of sorts. It will be a spiritual one where you will feel connected to all your important soul groups, soul mates, and soul connections. Some of you may even be at a wedding which symbolically represents all of that. Be grateful that you are a part of a blessed and happy home.

Saturday – Four of Wands

 four of wands

 Today continues the celebrations of the day prior. Your heart will be forced to receive all the joy it desires whether you are ready or not and you will be pleased with it all. If you thought that yesterday was fun today will be three times as fun and there is a very special surprise for you that I know you will be delighted to experience.

Weekly Summary

The week is overwhelmingly positive. So much so that any negativity you face will quickly be washed away by the positive vibes coming from within you and from others. This is one of those weeks where the collective consciousness shifts so world events may impact us all and these events may be positive ones we remember. Something like 9/11 but instead of it being a world tragedy it is a world miracle! Even if nothing major like that happens you will experience so much positivity you will remember this week for the rest of your life.

If you would like to schedule a reading, you can contact me at: OR

Song of the Week —-> Happypeace

Brought to you by -The Peace Dealer-