Month: June 2014

Daily Illumination – June 11th, 2014

Namaste my fellow lovely souls. On this day I will provide spiritual illumination using both tarot and astrology. That being said the card that I draw for today is…

Seven of Wands


You can make yourself think that you truly believe in yourself but when everybody else seems to disagree with who you are or an idea you have to share that is when that belief in yourself is truly tested. Will you fold under pressure or will you show others that you are an individual who has their own personally held convictions that don’t switch when other people have problems with your stance.

Astrological Influences

Venus is getting closer to its opposition to Saturn which is testing relationships everywhere making sure that only the highest value and deepest truth are in effect. The transiting moon in Sagittarius raises optimism worldwide preparing for a most glorious full moon. First however it will make a square to Neptune which can easily take your emotions on a delusional fantasy ride. Make sure you buckle up as if you are not well prepared you can be taken to a fantasy world with no way of returning. Use the discernment you learned to develop these last few days in order to experience this new journey.

If you would like to schedule a reading, you can contact me at: OR

Song of the Day —-> You Can’t Kill Me


Brought to you by -The Peace Dealer-

Daily Illumination – June 10th, 2014

Namaste my fellow lovely souls. On this day I will provide spiritual illumination using both tarot and astrology. That being said the card that I draw for today is…

Nine of Pentacles


When you were created you came to this world with value and worth. On this day you want to shine it for the world to see whether you proclaim it out loud or let what you have earned speak for itself. Earned rewards are always better than something you didn’t work for so do not allow anyone to stop you from rewarding yourself for all of your hard work. Should you meet someone who has way more money, power, and status than you, be sure to engage them as your equal and not someone you should look up to because that person will match your inner worth externally. They will see that intrinsic worth within you and you may even collaborate on something awesome!

Astrological Influences

We are due for much needed emotional healing with a touch of seriousness that allows us to be receptive to our deepest truth and what hard work we are doing to achieve that as the transiting moon in Scorpio will move pass Saturn as it trines Chiron in Pisces. Before it does that though it will oppose Venus in Taurus giving us a sneak peak as to what will happen when Venus later opposes Saturn. Are you selling yourself short or are you making sure you attract relationships that affirm your worth and value?

If you would like to schedule a reading, you can contact me at: OR

Song of the Day —-> Got Money


Brought to you by -The Peace Dealer-

Daily Illumination – June 9th, 2014

Namaste my fellow lovely souls. On this day I will provide spiritual illumination using both tarot and astrology. That being said the card that I draw for today is…

Queen of Swords

 queen s 2

Sometimes in life we have to be tactfully honest in a way that leaves no room for immature emotions to reign. The Queen of Swords is an expert for telling it how it is and speaking truth so sharply it may cut deep. But when we are stuck in certain delusions sometimes we need that sharpness to permeate our illusions and snap us back to reality. Stand up for your truth and do not be afraid to snap people out of their delusions when they feel like they can treat you a certain way because they are not aware of how powerful this new radical individual you are becoming really is. If you find yourself on the receiving end of some harsh truth then take it humbly. Although the Queen of Swords doesn’t always have to be some harsh and jaded woman. She provides expert advice in situations that require clarity and a logical approach to things. Take advantage of this energy accordingly.

Astrological Influences

The moon slips into Scorpio making us keenly receptive to the intensity at hand as Mars tightens its square to Pluto. The actions taken today can be done so with the emotional intensity to create extreme change in your life. With the moon also making a nice trine to Mercury retrograde, we begin to be aware of how much are minds are beginning to change about how we felt over certain emotional issues in our life. Allow this loose grand trine between Mercury, the moon, and Neptune to allow yourself to be receptive to beautiful intutive message from Spirit as our minds are ready to process and new information that our feelings register within our soul. Venus leaving the trine to Pluto clears away and negative energies we needed purged around our love lives so that you can move forward bold in love.

If you would like to schedule a reading, you can contact me at: OR

Song of the Day —-> No Competition

 queen s

Brought to you by -The Peace Dealer-

Daily Illumination – June 5th, 2014

Namaste my fellow lovely souls. On this day I will provide spiritual illumination using both tarot and astrology. That being said the card that I draw for today is…

Page of Cups


Sometimes in life love blossoms unexpectedly and when it does don’t pluck it. Plucking it will make it yours and it will be in your possession. But it will die as it no longer has roots from where it originated. Today offers a crucial love lesson in being able to share love mutually with another without possessing them. No one in this life is really yours. The only thing you own is yourself….and that’s debatable these days. Either way should you develop super deep feelings for another person and not really be sure why, don’t stress it as you will later be able to make sense of these feelings when the Sun moves into Cancer at the end of the month. For now just honor what you feel. For some of you reading this, a relationship may finally blossom and someone may finally reveal their true feelings for you!

Astrological Influences

The moon will be making a trine to Pluto which will help you shed useless feelings that get in the way of making you receptive to how amazing things are about to be for you. As it also opposed Chiron however, don’t allow the petty or unimportant details in your life (in the grand scheme of things) to get in the way of the healing that Spirit wants to bestow upon you. Mercury has a gift for us all as it is ready to move backwards so pay attention to how you feel today.

If you would like to schedule a reading, you can contact me at: OR

Song of the Day —-> Fall In Love


Brought to you by -The Peace Dealer-

Daily Illumination – June 4th, 2014

Namaste my fellow lovely souls. On this day I will provide spiritual illumination using both tarot and astrology. That being said the card that I draw for today is…

The Empress


It’s harvest time! A surprise harvest! The kind of harvest that makes you wonder why you keep underestimating yourself. When you see your intrinsic value and wealth manifest in front of your eyes, embrace it with nothing but the love a mother would give to a child. You deserve whatever happiness springs up. If you feel left out on the fun and don’t see anything pop up on this day then ask yourself what you aren’t being grateful for. Once you do you may start to notice the blessings all around you.

Astrological Influences

The moon will be moving into the sign of harvest aka Virgo making everyone feel a calm grounded sensual kind of awesome as this energy will make positive aspects to Pluto, Venus, and Jupiter for the next couple days. With Mercury going to aspect this moon to, this is your last chance to get a realistic view on how you feel about things before the retrograde dance of fate occurs.

If you would like to schedule a reading, you can contact me at: OR

Song of the Day —-> Tree of Life


Brought to you by -The Peace Dealer-